Every day, Amy reminds herself of the privilege and honor it is to serve as your County Council representative. After prayerful consideration and family discussions, she decided to run for re-election to continue the fight for the county and home she loves. With your help and vote, she is committed to stay in the fight for a smaller and more sensible government.
Amy brings common-sense leadership to Pierce County. The past few years have given her the opportunity to use her leadership skills and show her passion for the people. She was proud to be a leader in stopping the state from siting a commercial airport that would have displaced hundreds of farms and families. She stood to support the needs of our public safety servants. She stood for common-sense to oppose policies that served special interests. She has faith in our people and knows they are able to make the best financial and health decisions for themselves and their families.
She firmly believes we can continue to work together to bring economic growth to Pierce County and provide an environment where families can grow and thrive. She understands the need to be focused on public safety and economic development, and being strategic with your hard-earned tax dollars to deliver needed services with less cost.
Amy is excited to be serving the people of this great county; she wants to continue her mission to bring common-sense to discussions, and stand for principles that maintain good governance. She thanks you in advance for your encouragement, generous support, and prayers. As always, she is most grateful for you!